Value of Games and Sports
Outline . * Introduction ¢ A Source of Good Health , ¢ A Source of Recreation ¢ Shaping of Character
* Conclusion
Introduction Games and sports are a necessary part of our life. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, this
proverb also suggests the importance of games in a child’s life.
A Source of Good Health Games and sports are as useful for us as the education. Games provide the best physical exercise to the child, improved digestive system and blood circulation.
‘A Source of Recreation Games provide us pleasure and keep our minds cheerful. Time spent on the playground: gives us mental freshness. Activities done during the games make us fresh and energetic.
Shaping of Character Games and sports develop a healthy spirit, value of obedience, discipline and thus, they shape a child’s character. To become a captain of game, requires honesty and wisdom. Regular participation in sports makes us healthy and fit.
Conclusion To conclude, we can say that importance of games in one’s life cannot be denied and efforts should be made to provide facilities to engage children in outdoor games.