: Policeman


A Policeman Outline ¢ Introduction ¢ His Uniform, Weapon and Personality ¢ His Duties ¢ His Place and Status in Society ¢ Conclusion Introduction A policeman is an important public servant who is required at all public places to maintain law and order in society. : His Uniform, Weapon and Personality His uniform is khaki in colour with brown leather shoes and a leather belt round his waist. He has brass badges on his shoulders and bears a name plate on his pocket. He carries a licensed rifle or gun to face the criminals. His Duties A policeman’s duty remains for long hours with very few leaves. Sometimes, his duty is very risky as he. has to protect us against unsocial elements. Sometimes, he sacrifices his life while performing his duty. His Place and Status in Society A policeman is a respectful figure in the society. His job is dignified. Thieves, criminals have a fear of policeman and common man can live with peace because of them. Conclusion His services to the society are admirable, so we all should respect policeman.

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